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Sign up with Qliance for your good health

We are pleased to announce the opening of our new primary care practice on July 23, 2007. In anticipation of this event, we are currently registering new patients!

To Register

Please download and complete our Patient Registration Form and return it to Qliance. Upon receipt, a Qliance patient care coordinator will open your billing account, set-up your electronic medical record and mail you a welcome letter; including a patient ID card, your first monthly care fee invoice and a medical history form to complete before your first appointment. That's it!


We realize that making healthcare decisions is not easy, even when faced with the prospect of joining a medical practice as unique and exciting as ours. Therefore, we invite you to contact us at any time with your questions. Or, better yet, make an appointment to take a free tour. Just call (206) 381-3030 or email us at .